
Cycle of Women-Cycle of Life, Women’s Health and its Potential for the Workplace


In a constantly changing and accelerating world, it is more important than ever to actively take a stance for your own health and well-being. As the female energy balance is strongly influenced by the changing menstrual cycle, it makes sense to understand more about the female cycle, the menopause and associated challenges. With a better understanding we can adapt our working conditions and company structures in a more needs-orientated way. We promote well-being in the team and potential for leadership in our companies can unfold.
This talk is explicitly not solely aimed at women, but at anyone who wants to organise their management and corporate culture in such a way that it reflects the reality of life for all employees.


Buchungsstatus: frei

Datum: 12.05.25

Veranstaltungstage: 1

Uhrzeit: 17:15 Uhr - 18:15 Uhr

Format: Fachvortrag

Veranstaltungsort: virtuell

Adresse: Wir senden Ihnen rechtzeitig vor Beginn der Veranstaltung die Zugangsdaten zu.

Buchungsnummer: VA_97113

Anmeldeschluss: 12.05.25

Kosten: kostenfrei

Referent/in: Linda Crawford

Medium: Internet

Themenbereich: Erziehung

Zielgruppen: Beschäftigte der Vertragspartner, Beschäftigte pme

Anmerkungen: This webinar will be recorded. After the live event you have 14 days to watch the recording.

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