VA_97112 - Get Moving - Active Breaks for more Vitality at Work
Get Moving - Active Breaks for more Vitality at Work
Our desk jobs demand mental focus but often neglect our physical well-being. Prolonged sitting in one-sided postures can lead to muscle tension, imbalances, and discomfort over time. The result? Reduced energy, focus, and overall vitality.
This virtual session is designed to help you integrate moments of movement into your workday. Learn simple, practical exercises to combat the effects of prolonged sitting, re-lieve tension, and boost your energy levels. From desk-friendly stretches to dynamic activities that fit seamlessly into your schedule, you’ll discover strategies to stay active, feel more energised, and enhance your productivity.
Join us to explore how active breaks can transform your workday, promoting both physical and mental well-being. It’s time to move more, feel better, and thrive at work!
Buchungsstatus: frei
Datum: 22.04.25
Veranstaltungstage: 1
Uhrzeit: 13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr
Format: Fachvortrag
Veranstaltungsort: virtuell
Adresse: Wir senden Ihnen rechtzeitig vor Beginn der Veranstaltung die Zugangsdaten zu.
Buchungsnummer: VA_97112
Anmeldeschluss: 22.04.25
Kosten: kostenfrei
Referent/in: Linda Crawford
Medium: Internet
Themenbereich: Gesundheitsmanagement
Zielgruppen: Beschäftigte der Vertragspartner, Beschäftigte pme
Anmerkungen: This webinar will be recorded. After the live event you have 14 days to watch the recording.
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