
Conscious Makeover


Your confidence, authentic self expression and what you wear affects your job performance and motivation at work. It impacts how you behave and how people view you. It is also key to inspiring trust, effective communication and success within your organisation.

In this group coaching, we focus on how to overcome self-doubt and lack of confidence whilst equipping you with the knowledge that helps you to personalise and upgrade your style to express your unique type of beauty. When your professional attire reflects your personality, people can perceive you the best way possible as close to your purpose, which allows your assets to come forth naturally and enhances congruency. This strengthens credibility so you can be perceived as the leading professional you are.

#englisch #english

Buchungsstatus: frei

Datum: 10.03.25 - 24.03.25

Veranstaltungstage: 3

Uhrzeit: 11:00 Uhr - 12:30 Uhr

Format: Gruppencoaching

Veranstaltungsort: virtuell

Adresse: Wir senden Ihnen rechtzeitig vor Beginn der Veranstaltung die Zugangsdaten zu.

Buchungsnummer: VA_93396

Anmeldeschluss: 10.03.25

Kosten: kostenfrei

Referent/in: Christin Natter

Medium: Internet

Themenbereich: Lebenslagen-Coaching

Zielgruppen: Beschäftigte der Vertragspartner

Anmerkungen: 3 consecutive dates over a period of three weeks: March 10, 2025 March 17, 2025 March 24, 2025 each from 11:00am to 12:30pm. For reasons of confidentiality, the format will not be recorded. Live participation is therefore required.

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